
from $45.00

Free US Shipping. Worldwide shipping available (shipping options are shown at checkout).
All paper and canvas options are archival quality giclée prints and are signed by the artist.

Available Options:

•8x10” Print on Premium Fine Art Paper ($45)
•16x20” Print on Premium Fine Art Paper ($65)
•16x20” Print on Premium Canvas ($145)
•8x10” Metal Print ($65)
•16x20” Metal Print ($135)

Size and Type:
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Shipping Details:

  • Smaller prints (under 16x20”) are shipped in an acid-free plastic bag, protected in a flat cardboard mailer.

    • 8x10” fine art paper prints shipped within the US are signed and dated on the back by the artist (and I ship these out to you personally)

  • Larger prints and canvas orders are shipped rolled, protected in tissue or kraft paper and placed within a sturdy shipping art cardboard tube. (Note: You will need to have the canvas mounted, it does not come already mounted).

Shipping to US: 1-2 weeks
Shipping Outside US: 2-3 weeks.

Example photos shown are not to scale and may not represent the actual dimensions of each print.

The copyright shown in photos (“©Heather Mays”) is for online display purposes to deter piracy. It will not appear on the print.

All products are made to order and therefore refunds and returns are not accepted.




“Innovate” was featured in the monthly energy forecast for January 2023. You can connect to the frequency of the piece at any time it is needed. The video can give you some additional insight into the messages embedded within the artwork. Enjoy!